Industry News

Title South Korea completes deployment of K-14 sniper rifle
Date 2021.02.16 Hit 1148

K-14 / Courtesy of Defense Acquisition Program


South Korea has completed the deployment of K-14 sniper rifles and its observation device at infantry units to boost combat capabilities in missions involving precision attacks, the arms procurement agency said Tuesday.

The K-14 rifle developed with domestic technology was first deployed for special forces in 2013 and was distributed to infantry battalions in 2017, according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration.

With the deployment of the observation devices used along with the weapon last month, the sniper rifle project that began in 2012 has been completed, the agency said.

The K-14 is a bolt-action rifle that strikes targets within the range of 0.8 to 1 kilometer with high accuracy and little recoil.

The telescopes for daytime can find targets within the range of 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers while at night, observers use thermal cameras to locate objects within the range of 0.5 to 1.5 km, the agency said.

"With the deployment of the sniper rifle and the observation device at infantry units, the combat capabilities of our first-line troops have been greatly improved," an agency official said, vowing to continue the improvement of the weapons with the latest technologies. (Yonhap)

The Korea Times   /  posted: 2021-01-26  10:25





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