
Title Exhibitors Registration due date : 31st MAY 2020
Date 2020.05.27 Hit 2471

Exhibitors Registration , balance payment due date :  31st  MAY  2020 



▶DX Korea 2020 will be held in Sep as planned.   (16th~19th SEP 2020)

Since DX korea 2020 is directly related to national security, we have established preventive measures that put safety first under the guidance of the authorities in consideration of the national economic contribution through export promotion.

Like all responsible organizations, we will continue to be guided by advice from public health authorities and Korea Centers for Disease Control over that period and will comply with directions from the Korean Government. The preservation of public health will always be our paramount commitment.



In case of DX Korea Organizing Committee decide to cancel Dx Korea 2020 due to COVID-19,  we will provide full refunds to our exhibitors. 



Thank you. 

Prev COVID-19 Response of Korean National Fire Agency
Next Final decision to hold DX Korea 2020 in September