2022 대한민국방위산업전 온라인 디렉토리

색인별 검색
업체명 제품소개 홈페이지
(주)라쉬반코리아 남성의 인체에 최적화된 핏까지 세심하게 고려하였습니다. 실용적인 측면에서도 '피부의 호흡'을 고려한 천연 첨단 섬유로 땀, 온도, 냄새에 강한 속옷을 완성, 정자를 건강하게 만들어주는 33.3도의 온도를 유지하여 심미성과 실용성을 강조한 속옷입니다.
LIG넥스원 미래 지상전장 분야 종합 방어 솔루션
LEONARDO SpA Since early ‘90s, Republic of Korea operates Leonardo’s solutions in the sectors of Helicopter , Radar, Communication and in general surveillance systems for avionics and naval application. At Defence Expo Korea Leonardo is bringing some systems, leveraging on its long experience in providing advanced tailor-made solutions to its customers spanning from single equipment to integrated systems and platforms. Security is key for Leonardo, and its portfolio includes RAT 31 3D surveillance radars, designed to operate within modern military air defence systems, products for the protection of air platform such as Miysis DIRCM (Directed InfraRed CounterMeasure) and BriteCloud countermeasure, uncrewed rotary-winged platforms such as AWHero and defence and electronics for land platforms.
처음이전 1 다음마지막