Press Coverage

Title ROK’s Military Power Enhancement Focus
Date 2020.06.15 Hit 1206
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According to the announcement by the ROK Ministry of National Defense, the defense budget for 2020 is totaling 50.4 trillion won, focusing on military power operation and defense improvement projects. In particular, the weapons systems that the Korean military focuses on are as follows.


① Building a missile defense system to build reaction capability against nuclear and weapons of mass destruction

② Securing military reconnaissance satellites and medium-high altitude unmanned aerial vehicle, non-lethal graphite bomb, and electronic warfare aircraft for surveillance reconnaissance and strategic target shooting

③ Establishing overwhelming response including performance improvement of CH-47 and UH-60, self-destructive drone, binocular vision device

④ Building a comprehensive reaction capability including drone-bot combat system, unmanned light combat vehicle, critical alert system, explosives detection and removal robot, etc.

⑤ Securing core technologies such as autonomous artificial intelligence-based surveillance reconnaissance, super-connected intelligent command control and the ability to perform manned-unmanned collaborative combat

⑥ Establishing AR- and VR-based virtual simulation training system and securing anti-terrorism capability to protect the people


In consideration of the ROK's plans to increase military power, it is expected that there will be active on-site discussions between Korean and international defense companies participating in the DX Korea 2020, the end-users of the Korean military and military leaders from more than 50 countries.

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