DX KOREA 2022 Online Directory


Company Description

FIBERPRO,Inc. is well-known in the world as a company with innovative and powerful solutions in the polarization sector. Since starting business in 1995, most products based on new concepts and unique technologies have made numerous contributions to optical communication and optical sensors around the world. The business field is divided into measuring instrument field, optical device field, automation field, and optical sensor field. Among them, FOG(fiber optic gyro) is the only manufacturer in Korea, equipped with unrivaled technology and production facilities, and is putting great effort into advancing into domestic and overseas markets.

Exhibit (Product) Description

FIBERPRO IMU, a fiber optic-based Inertial Measurement Unit, is small, and lightweight while offering the highest performance to price ratio of its kind. It provides inertial data of incremental velocity and angular rate through digital format.It is environmentally sealed and contains no moving parts ensuring low noise and grants the product an extended life time with one of the lowest operating cost in the market. Additionally, its low operating voltage and low power consumption provide one of the lowest ownership costs. Customization available upon request.

Exhibited Product Image