Press Coverage

Title Future Advanced Science & Technology for Defense Pavilion
Date 2020.06.15 Hit 1205
Attached file file defense pavilion.jpg(85.70 KB)

This year, the era of“50 trillion won in defense budget” is a symbolic indicator of the government's strong will to realize a security strategy through strong defense by realizing smart troops through military elitism and cutting-edge technology.


It is time for the defense industry in the era of the defense budget of 50 trillion won to move away from the fast follower method to lead the paradigm shift and improve national competitiveness through future-leading technology capabilities. Therefore, DX Korea 2020 is to secure an innovative future defense power based on cutting-edge technology in connection to defense R&D with excellent innovation capabilities of industry, academy and institute, decided to lead the future innovation through active cooperation with the National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST) and each government agency, and consequently, to construct the “Future Advanced Science & Technology for Defense Pavilion”to ensure to contribute to the national economy and the rapid development of defense exports.


This pavilion is expected to be used as a place to establish a cooperative system with related organizations to ensure that the excellent innovation capabilities of each research institute can be linked with defense R&D.


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